Programs / Activities
Positive Behavior Intervention System
ASE implements the “Bee Philosophy.” This program is based upon children choosing to have a “positive attitude” and using this choice to adhere to needed rules and regulations. Children will receive feedback on a daily basis based upon their choices. Daily discussions on decision making skills will be implemented into the schedule of every classroom. School-wide expectations are: Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Safe Student Recognition.
Student Recognition
Daily- Buzz Words – verbal praise 100 Compliments – whole class reward Classroom Plan
Weekly- Fabulous Friday (15 min) – meeting all expectations for the week
Monthly- Character Award – 1 per class based on Character Word of the Month
Quarterly- BEEhavior Bash – no office referrals, meets expectations in the classroom
RAKE Award – Random Acts of Kindness Every day
We have intervention practices in place that provide opportunities for students to change inappropriate behaviors to appropriate behavior and ask parents to support us in helping your child find replacement, appropriate behaviors. We will not tolerate fighting, disrespect for others, bullying, obscene language, or destruction of property.